How can I spot fraud?

Unfortunately, email and online fraud are continuing concerns for all businesses that provide online services or products.

Please be aware that, from time to time, fraudulent emails/texts have been circulated to users that might be Kariera Group registered website users or not; such emails/texts appear to be from Kariera Group but are, in fact, sent by malicious individuals trying to steal your login credentials or other confidential information. Kariera Group is not sending these fraudulent emails/texts.

If you receive an email, a text or pop-up window requesting that you sign in to any of the Kariera Group websites and provide your personal information, it would be safer if you check the link by hovering your mouse over it. If the link appears different than the link printed in the email, do not respond. If you have noticed any literacy issues – grammar, spelling, punctuation- it could be fraud.

If you are in doubt, prior to any action, we suggest contacting us with a copy of the communication received that mentions Kariera Group.

If you feel that you have been a victim of Fraud, we recommend that you contact your local authorities as well as the company which name was used, and consider blocking the email / phone number.

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