How to Search the CV Database

  1. Log in to your account
  2. Click on ‘Find Candidates’

  1. From here you can immediately run a Search (boolean or semantic) and add additional requirements.

Note: You cannot use AND/OR statements, but multiple search terms can be added one-by-one and select from the UI whether they should be applied as an AND or OR.

The following are options to filter additional requirements:

Experience: Any experience in previous positions a job seeker should have.

Location: Location the job seeker should be based in or near

The field will populate a drop down upon entering a location name.

KM radius auto defaults to +50 KM but can be adjusted to +5 KM, +10 KM, +25 KM and +100 KM.

Education: Required education of the job seeker

Education level: Required level of education of the job seeker

Options available:

  • Post-Master
  • Master
  • Bachelor
  • Vocational Education
  • Secondary Education

Education - Majors / Degrees: Required major / degree of the job seeker

Education - Colleges / Universities: Colleges / Universities the job seeker attended

Skills: Required skills of the job seeker

Language skills: Required language skills

IT skills: Required IT skills

Professional skills: Required Professional skills

Employers: (last) companies the job seeker has been employed by

Last employer: last company the job seeker has been employed by

All employers:  companies the job seeker has been employed by

Years of Experience: Number of years the job seeker should have working experience in their required role or field.

Options available:

  • Less than a year
  • 1 to 2 years
  • 3 to 5 years
  • 6 to 10 years
  • 11 years or more

Last Modified: The last time the jobseeker updated a (new) CV.

Options available:

  • Today
  • Last 3 days
  • Last week
  • Last Month
  • Last 3 months
  • Last 6 months
  • Last Year

Clicking on a jobseeker name will open up the jobseeker tab and give the option to 'show profile' and option to 'download CV'

Clicking on the job title you can Exclude the title, or rank this as a ‘nice to have’, ‘should have’ or ‘must have’.

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