How to set up job alerts?

*You need to have an account to save a job alert.

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. You can save job alerts by doing a keyword and filter search on the homepage or under 'Search' on your left hand side.
  3. Once you've entered your ideal job title(s) and location, you can click on 'Create notification' to set up an alert!

You will be asked how often you'd like to be notified:

  • Daily
  • Every 3 days
  • Every week
  • Every month
  • Just save (no emails will be send)

Click 'Create' to set up your job alert and you will receive a confirmation your notification has been created.

You can edit or change the frequency of your job alert at any time by going to "Favourites" on your left hand side and then clicking on 'notifications'. Use the toggle to enable or disable to notification. Use the pen icon to edit or delete your job alert.

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